Happy Halloween!

{ Saturday, October 31, 2009 }
Last year, I took christmas off. I was exhausted from my pregnancy and still battling with morning sickness and the idea of pulling all of the decorations out of storage and trying to set up a tree was too much for me. I asked the boy if it would be too terribly disappointing if we just skipped it. The boy agreed but added, "This is the last year you'll get away with that!"

Very true. Now that we have a child, we agree that there is no more skipping holidays, which is why its funny that halloween was almost here before I looked at the boy one day and said, "We have to take the bean to the pumpkin patch!" Some of my favorite fall memories include taking a hayride out to the pumpkin patch where I searched and searched for the most perfect pumpkin to bring home. I wanted to start that tradition for the bean as well.

So we went. And took a hayride. She picked the perfect pumpkin.

And decorated it up.

Dressed as a chicken.

And didn't miss out on celebrating her first holiday.*

*I think we get a pass for the 4th of July. She was 4 days old, we took a picture. Good enough!

Four Months Old

{ Friday, October 30, 2009 }
Its gone by so quickly. At four months, the bean:
  • Rolls both ways
  • Tries very hard to sit but ends up flopping face first to the side
  • Crab walks to the side when you change her diaper
  • Loves any toy that she can bat at and spin, especially the wheel on her exersaucer
  • Still stops crying and smiles when we sing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" to her

Now She's Dangerous

{ Thursday, October 15, 2009 }
The bean has been rolling tummy to back for about a month now, but today she rolled back to tummy for the first time (and she did it over and over and over again). That means no more leaving her in the middle of our bed or turning our backs for a second when she's on the couch. Which means crawling (and some serious babyproofing) is just around the corner!


{ Friday, October 09, 2009 }
I meant to post these pictures as we took them but didn't get to it, so how about a side-by-side comparison instead?