
{ Wednesday, January 07, 2009 }
I *think* I've been feeling baby move around for a couple weeks, but I couldn't be totally sure that's what it was. Everyone says it feels like flutters or gas bubbles (although my sister said it feels like an alien in your stomach) and that is definitely not what I've been feeling. Its more like some pressure in my belly that lasts for a few seconds and sometimes moves to a different spot. I haven't been feeling it every day either, maybe every couple days, usually at night.

So last night I felt what I thought was baby and put my hand on the spot and, sure enough, I felt two distinct kicks! They were so tiny that I probably wouldn't have even noticed them if my hand hadn't been there. It was both the strangest and the coolest thing I have ever felt. I mean, normally it would be alarming to have your stomach poke back at you. I wonder if that means the bean liked or disliked the indian food we had for dinner last night?


Anonymous said...

Awww she's kicking!! How amazing for you both.

Landlady of Fat said...

I'm gonna go w/ she DISLIKED the indian food. LOLOL

Congrats! Very, VERY exciting! :)

Val said...

I'm agreeing with Tina.
But it IS very exciting...

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! That is so exciting!