Can it be?

{ Tuesday, June 30, 2009 }
A full 13 days past our due date and one day before our scheduled induction, it looks like my body knows how to go into labor after all. We hope to be holding our little bean later today. Please keep us in your thoughts until then!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! You are absolutely in my thoughts!!

nutella said...

sending you calm positive strength.

Jesse said...

Woohooo!! Cmon little Bean!! I want to meet ya!

Anonymous said...

wishing all the best for you, the boy, and the bean! can't wait for lots of bean & beaming parents pictures.

Landlady of Fat said...

Sorry, I'm late to the party apparently.

Hopefully by now you're Mama Knotty. :)

If not, tell 'em to pass the drugs. :D


Val said...

woohoo.. i'm later to the party than Tina... here's hoping for the bean's arrival today! ;)

Landlady of Fat said...

Damn, can't let me have anything, can ya Val? LOL

Anonymous said...

How exciting! Sending you all kinds of strength and speedy delivery energy!

Val said...


That boy better send something out letting us know what's going on!!!

Landlady of Fat said...
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Jesse said...
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Anonymous said...
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