
{ Monday, November 21, 2011 }
A week or so ago, the bean was enjoying some halloween candy and lamented the fact that there was only one blue M&M in the package she was eating. Blue seems to be her favorite color now that she has learned to name colors (she was partial to green before then-I guess she liked the way the word sounded). Anyway, the boy explained to her that there's a store in the city where you can buy a bag of only blue M&Ms (or any other color, for that matter). She was interested, but didn't mention it again. We figured we'd take her after the sugar overload of the holidays was over.

The bean has been asking to go into the city to her Mommy's work, so the boy woke her up this morning and asked if she'd like to do that. Her response, of course, was to ask if she could also go to the M&M store. Because as much as we'd like to think otherwise, children just never forget a. single. thing.

So we went to the city and the bean got a bag of blue M&Ms. No pictures of that, unfortunately, but once we got home, to entertain her and also turn this into an educational lesson (since it certainly wasn't a nutritional one), I set her up sorting the colors from Mommy and Mama's bags.

A bag of multicolored M&Ms and a muffin tin was all it took to keep her entertained for an hour.

Sorting and mixing over and over again.

Why yes, I do let my 2 year old sit on the kitchen counter! Most days its the only way I can cook or do the dishes. Rest assured, I stay within arms reach and keep her away from the stove and knives. She's been sitting there long enough that she knows to stay away from the edge and to ask for help when she wants to get down.


Anonymous said...

Love it! It's so fabulous the little things that will keep their attention at this age. And yes, one of them is letting them be up high with a project in the kitchen (BG stands on a chair because our counter isn't large enough, but still...).

nutella said...

What a great project! Sadly, due to the size of our kitchen I cannot let Curly on the counter (all 4 feet of it!) or even have him stand at it. We make do with 5 assorted colored kids cups from IKEA, a big spoon, and a plastic container of dry bowtie pasta.