But at least I haven't licked my finger and cleaned her face

{ Thursday, December 17, 2009 }

Things I have done in the last 5 months that I never imagined myself doing:

  • Picked another person's nose
  • Chosen to sleep in pajamas covered with someone else's vomit rather than stay up to do laundry
  • Used my shirt to wipe someone else's face
  • Routinely gone more than a day without a shower
  • Left the house without fixing my hair
  • Forgotten to brush my teeth
  • Had to cut short errands because my clothes had become covered in someone else's poop
  • Slept less than 4 hours at a time, except for a handful of nights
  • Spent almost every moment with someone without getting the slightest bit sick of her!


nutella said...

Haha, sounds like parenthood to me!

Strawberry said...

Um, totally, yes. I just spent the last 15 minutes giving my poo-covered child a bath, which, while it was filling, gave him time to pee on the towel I had him on on the floor. While this sort of thing is a rarity, it certainly speaks to the life of parenthood.

Oh, and I do lick my finger and wipe his cheek sometimes. lol.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Yes, I love this list and can totally relate. The last item, however, is my favorite.

CJ said...

It's official! You're a mom!

Val said...

i would think that the boy could pick his own nose, but whatever! hahahah good list